by Jeffrey Pang July 02, 2016
I love unboxing new things. Now a days though, its pretty rare that I go out and buy something new in package. And its even more rare that it is something over $500. If you really think about it, products that can be held in your palm at a 500$ usually fall under two categories - electronics or jewelry. Both of which normally have superb unboxing experiences. So I kind of knew what I was up against.
The Fulvia series was kind of a turning point for Luftverk. Although the BTM-R and R were two examples of titanium products that focus on numbers, it is the packaging that set it apart from its competitors. Like the LuftPAD, It was something that had to be designed from the ground up, specifically for the future of Luftverk products. So for those wondering, this is my view on how a $500+ product should be packaged.
The grey paper sleeve was carried over from the Evora. It was one of my favorite things about that box, and although only a year old - it does offer a hint of nostalgia. Changed are new dimensions, in a perfect cube. Something very beautiful about a perfect cube which admittedly I drew inspiration from the first generation Apple Ipod box.
The sleeve differs from the Evora though, but only in texture. The soft touch paper contrasts with the raised glossy text - a process called Spot UV. Usually used in small areas of business cards, and really costly (nearly doubling the price of the packaging) but when you run your fingers over the text, the feeling is very unique.
The box from the outside was kept unmarked. Upon opening, you can see that the inside is the same shade of grey as the outside. This was done for continuity for the grey theme, but more importantly to draw ones attention completely to the product. It was vital that the polished Fulvia sits dead center on a dark background achieved by the grey color. No certificates or string to distract from this very first impression - one that arguably is the most important.
Lifting the yoyo out of the protective foam reveals the certificate and business card. For products this expensive, it is vital to have direct contact to the manufacture if any issues come up, and its no different here. The same glossy Spot UV has been done on the business card, sporting some technical drawings of the Fulvia R, and first Evora.
Removing the paperwork reveals a familiar slot. With the Fulvia R, this houses the included polyester string. With the BTM-R It includes a Kingston USB, specially engraved for Luftverk. Inside the USB showcases the process of manufacturing through photos and text giving the customer a very personal and exclusive look inside.
The best part about having a single person do everything is that it is so much easier to make it all work together. The packaging, the website, the photos. They all can flow seamlessly into each other without clashing. The key theme here is that everything had to matter, down to what kind of clear disposable bag held the string. There wasn't a time where something was done without a second thought.
I hope other yoyo manufacturers start caring about the little things too, things like packaging. Things like making a stitched patch, or having paperwork and contact information. From a business standpoint, you could argue that not enough people care. And you might be right as recent yoyos in this price point (or even higher) aren't packaged any differently than their standard 80$ cousins. But if just 1 person out of the 40 Fulvias sold noticed the extra work - that's a good enough reason for me.
Bonus Picture: Here's a rare sight. These two yoyos are both #1 yoyos. At the time of this image, the number #1 Fulvia BTM-R was already sent to one owner, while the #1 Fulvia R had not been sold yet. I was a bit sad to see them part ways but at last minute the owner of the #1 BTM-R messaged me that he wanted it as well. Happy ending, they now live together!
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Jeffrey Pang