Birth Certificate

by Jeffrey Pang July 15, 2015

Birth Certificate

This week has been a bit of a roller coaster. When talking to the print shop, it looked like custom print sizing was going to take even longer to resolve. Unfortunately the quoted date of Monday was a bit optimistic. Each day is just waiting for the final piece. Last I talked to the shop, they said it would likely get done by today. So fingers crossed. With that said, it doesn't mean there isn't work being done. I recently got the certificates done which look spectacular. Each one has been cut by hand - and only signed after testing the yoyo. This ensures a better quality control for each shipment.
Trying to streamline how everything will pan out has been a bit of a challenge. I try to look ahead to see what can be done to cut down time. Uline has been my shipping box provider for years. The stack of boxes is on standby - when everything is ready they will be out the door very quickly. 
Once I start shipping, you'll hear about it. Its been a continuous week of anxiety waiting to finish things up and get the yoyos to everyone. Believe me when I say Im just as excited to get these out as you guys are to receive them. When I got of the phone with the shop last, they said tonight. Fingers crossed and back to work!

Jeffrey Pang
Jeffrey Pang


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